June 27-30, 2019



We finally achieved our first backpacking trip of 2019 and it was notable for a couple of reasons. First of all, it was the first time I had ever backpacked where snow was still a factor. Granted, it was a very small factor as there were only a few patches (in late June!), but I may have overcompensated and packed more layers than necessary. Secondly, we timed this trip so that we were able to meet up with my parents in the valley during their annual camping trip with friends.

We started at the Ostrander Lake trailhead off of Glacier Pt. Rd. around mid-afternoon after a long drive from SF and could immediately feel the effects of the elevation change. The trail was pretty flat for the first three miles, but the second half had a steady climb and I felt like I was dragging myself up a never-ending mountain. We finally made it to the lake where we were greeted by a charming ski hut (closed for the season) and found a good spot to set up camp. There were quite a few backpackers at this lake, so it took awhile to find a site that was sufficiently isolated.


We quickly made a fire and cooked our Backpacker’s Pantry dinner before retiring for the night. The next morning we met an older couple whose daughter works in the ski hut during the winter season and they gave us some (hardcore) suggestions of nearby areas to explore. We contemplated their suggestions (briefly), and decided to traverse the edge of the lake to try and find a way to get higher up. We scrambled our way up the side of the hill and were rewarded with a beautiful view of the lake from above and a panorama of the surrounding peaks. We then spent the rest of the afternoon reading, taking naps, and indulging in general relaxation.


The next morning we took one last look at the amazingly clear water against the bright blue sky before breaking camp and heading out.


We arrived into the valley in the late afternoon after some horrid valley traffic and made our way to the backpacker’s camp. We set up our tents and were welcomed by my dad who rode his bike over to greet us.


We then all headed over to Curry Village for some delicious pizza and beer before meeting up with my parents’ friends at their Upper Pines campsite. This Yosemite camping trip that my parents took with their friends every year was the same trip we used to do as children and it was pretty great to be able to come back and see old friends and acquaintances after such a long time. It is nice knowing that some things never change.



Trailhead: Ostrander (Lost Bear Meadow) off of Glacier Point Rd.

Distance: 12.4 miles out and back

Elevation: Approx. 8,600 feet (1,617 feet elevation gain)

Difficulty: Moderate

Things to Note: Bear country, bring mosquito repellent, water filter